IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Small business


· 8 phút đọc

Small Business

How often do you shop at small businesses?

 Oh, I love shopping at local businesses! They usually have everything I need and it's way cheaper than those big chain stores. Plus, in Vietnam, there are so many mom-and-pop shops around that I don't even have to go far to find one. Like, seriously, I can just step outside my door and boom, there's a store right across the street! 

  • Chain stores /tʃeɪn stɔːrz/ (n.) - Các cửa hàng chuỗi (được sở hữu và điều hành bởi một công ty duy nhất)
  • Mom-and-pop shops /mɑːm ənd pɒp ʃɒps/ (n.) - Các cửa hàng nhỏ, gia đình sở hữu và điều hành

Do you prefer buying things from small businesses or big businesses?

 Honestly, it just depends on what I’m buying. If I'm looking for a high-quality product that's exclusively available from large corporations, then I'll head over there. But if I'm just picking up some everyday items, I'll hit up the small ones. 

  • High-quality /haɪ ˈkwɒlɪti/ (adj.) - Chất lượng cao, tốt
  • Corporations /ˌkɔːrpəˈreɪʃənz/ (n.) - Các công ty lớn được công nhận là thực thể pháp lý riêng và có cổ đông

Are there many small businesses where you live?

 Oh yeah, there are tons of small businesses where I live. I mean, it seems like there's a new little shop or restaurant popping up every week! It's awesome because there's always something new to check out and it gives our neighbourhood a really cool vibe. 

  • Popping up /ˈpɒpɪŋ ʌp/ (v.) - Xuất hiện đột ngột, đột nhiên nổi lên
  • Neighbourhood /ˈneɪbəhʊd/ (n.) - Khu phố, khu dân cư

Would you prefer to work for a small business or a large business?

I think there are pros and cons to working for big or small companies. At my current age, I’d love to work for a small business where creativity and innovation are encouraged, even if the resources and benefits may not be as good as those of larger companies. I enjoy being in an environment where I can actively contribute and make a difference.

  • Innovation /ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃən/ (n.) - Đổi mới, sự đổi mới, sự sáng tạo
  • Encouraged /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒd/ (v.) - Khuyến khích, động viên, cổ vũ
  • Contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ (v.) - Đóng góp, góp phần, cống hiến



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Speaking Part 1

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