IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Flower


· 8 phút đọc


🌷Have you ever given anybody flowers?

Yes, I have. I vividly remember giving a bouquet of roses to my mother on Mother's Day last year. It was a gesture of appreciation for everything she had done for me. The look of joy on her face was priceless.

  • Vividly remember: nhớ rất rõ
  • Gesture of appreciation: một cử chỉ thể hiện sự trân trọng
  • Priceless: (adj.) - vô giá

🌷Is it popular to give flowers to people in your country?

Absolutely. In my country, giving flowers is a common practice, especially during festivals and significant life events. Flowers are often used to convey emotions such as love, gratitude, and sympathy. It's a traditional yet meaningful way to express one's feelings.

  • Common practice: thông lệ, việc thường thấy
  • Convey emotions: truyền tải cảm xúc
  • Traditional yet meaningful: Truyền thống nhưng vẫn đầy ý nghĩa

🌷On what special occasions do people give flowers in your country?

People in my country typically give flowers on various special occasions, such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and during the Lunar New Year. Additionally, flowers are often presented during funerals to pay respects and offer condolences. They are also given as a token of congratulations during graduations or promotions.

  • Special occasions: những dịp đặc biệt
  • Pay respects and offer condolences: tỏ lòng thành kính và gửi lời chia buồn
  • A token of congratulations: một lời chúc mừng 

🌷What kinds of flowers would you like to receive as a present?

🌻Nếu biết nhiều về hoa có thể nói:

Personally, I would love to receive lilies or tulips. Lilies symbolize purity and refined beauty, while tulips are associated with elegance and grace. Both types of flowers have a subtle fragrance and an aesthetically pleasing appearance that I find incredibly charming.

  • Symbolize purity and refined beauty: Tượng trưng cho sự thuần khiết và vẻ đẹp tinh tế
  • Aesthetically pleasing: đẹp mắt (dùng thay cho beautiful) 

🌻Nếu không biết nhiều về hoa > Có thể nói chung chung, thiên về cảm nhận khi được tặng hoa hơn:

Honestly, I'm not very knowledgeable about flowers, so I appreciate receiving any flowers that are vibrant and have a pleasant fragrance. The thoughtfulness behind the gesture is what matters most to me. Whether it's a simple bouquet from a local market or a more elaborate arrangement, the beauty and color of the flowers always brighten my day and bring a sense of joy.

  • Knowledgeable: (adj.) - hiểu biết 
  • Vibrant: (adj.) - rực rỡ 
  • Pleasant fragrance: hương thơm dễ chịu
  • Thoughtfulness behind the gesture: Sự chu đáo, thành ý trong hành động
  • Elaborate arrangement: Bó hoa được cắm, trang trí cầu kỳ
  • Brighten my day: làm bừng sáng một ngày của tôi/làm tôi vui cả ngày
  • Sense of joy: niềm vui, cảm giác vui vẻ

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Speaking Part 1

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