IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Science


· 8 phút đọc


Do/did you enjoy science lessons at school? (Why/Why not?)

 Yes, I genuinely relished my science lessons at school. They were intrinsically fascinating and allowed me to explore the workings of the world around me. Moreover, the hands-on experiments and engaging discussions we had were always enlightening and stimulated my curiosity.

  • relish: (v.) (C2) - thích, tận hưởng 
  • intrinsically fascinating: hấp dẫn từ bản chất
  • hands-on experiments: thí nghiệm thực tế
  • engaging discussions: những cuộc thảo luận lôi cuốn
  • enlightening: (adj.) - khai sáng

What is the science subject you are most interested in? (Why?)

I am most interested in Biology, primarily because it delves into the intricacies of life and living organisms. Understanding how life works at a cellular level and seeing the interconnectedness of ecosystems has always been captivating to me.

  • intricacies of life: những chi tiết phức tạp của sự sống
  • interconnectedness: (n.) - sự liên kết với nhau
  • captivating: (adj.) - hấp dẫn

Is it easy for you to learn science subjects? (Why/Why not?)

I find it relatively easy to learn science subjects because they resonate with my methodical approach to learning. The logical progression of concepts and the ability to test theories through experiments make it easier for me to grasp and retain complex information.

  • resonate: (v.) - cộng hưởng / (trong trường hợp của câu này) phù hợp
  • methodical approach to learning: học một cách lý thuyết
  • logical progression: sự phát triển một cách logic

Do you watch science programs on TV? (Why/Why not?)

Yes, I often watch science programs on TV as they are a great source of cutting-edge information and innovative ideas. Shows like Animal Planet and Planet Earth not only broaden my understanding but also visually illustrate complex scientific concepts in an accessible manner.

  • cutting-edge: (adj.) - mới nhất, tiên tiến
  • innovative: (adj.) - sáng tạo, cải tiến
  • broaden my understanding: mở rộng hiểu biết của tôi
  • visually illustrate: minh hoạ trực quan
  • in an accessible manner: theo một cách dễ tiếp cận

Are science museums popular in..../your country? (Why/Why not?)

✅(YES) Science museums are quite popular in my country, thanks to their dynamic exhibits and interactive displays that appeal to a wide range of age groups. They serve as vital educational hubs, fostering a culture of curiosity and scientific literacy among the public.

  • dynamic: (adj.) - năng động 
  • interactive: (adj.) - có tính tương tác
  • vital educational hubs: trung tâm giáo dục quan trọng
  • culture of curiosity: văn hóa tò mò (nhiều người cùng có thói quen tò mò, tìm hiểu điều mới)
  • scientific literacy: sự hiểu biết khoa học

❌(NO) Science museums are not particularly popular in my country, largely due to a lack of awareness and insufficient promotion. Many people perceive them as too specialized or academic, rather than viewing them as engaging educational resources. Additionally, limited funding has resulted in fewer innovative exhibits, which might otherwise attract a broader audience.

  • particularly popular: đặc biệt phổ biến
  • lack of awareness: thiếu nhận thức 
  • insufficient promotion: quảng bá không đầy đủ. 
  • limited funding: kinh phí hạn chế



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Speaking Part 1

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