IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Concentration


· 8 phút đọc


Is it easy for you to concentrate in a noisy environment?

 To be honest, mental absorption is not exactly my strong suit, especially in a noisy environment. The constant chatter, background music, or other distracting sounds tend to disrupt my focus and make it difficult for me to maintain a train of thought

  • Absorption: /əbˈsɔːrpʃən/ (n.) - sự hấp thu, sự tiếp thu, sự đắm chìm
  • Disrupt: /dɪsˈrʌpt/ (v.) - phá vỡ, làm gián đoạn, cản trở
  • A train of thought: /ə treɪn əv θɔt/ (n.) - một chuỗi suy nghĩ, một chuỗi ý tưởng

Did you find it easy to concentrate when you were a kid?

 As a child, I remember it being simpler for me to focus compared to now. I think children have a natural ability in focusing on tasks without getting easily distracted. However, as I grew older and became more exposed to technology and the fast-paced world around me, maintaining concentration has become more demanding

  • Simpler: /ˈsɪmplər/ (adj.) - đơn giản hơn, dễ dàng hơn, giản dị hơn
  • Ability: /əˈbɪləti/ (n.) - khả năng, năng lực, tài năng
  • Exposed: /ɪkˈspoʊzd/ (adj.) - bị tiếp xúc, bị lộ ra, bộc lộ
  • Fast-paced: /ˈfæst-peɪst/ (adj.) - có tốc độ nhanh, sôi động, hối hả
  • Concentration: /ˌkɑːnsənˈtreɪʃn/ (n.) - sự tập trung, sự chú ý, nồng độ
  • Demanding: /dɪˈmændɪŋ/ (adj.) - đòi hỏi, đòi hỏi cao, đòi hỏi nhiều

Have you done something to improve your concentration?

 Yes, I have taken steps to improve my concentration. I have practiced mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, to enhance my ability to stay focused. Additionally, I have developed a habit of setting aside dedicated quiet time for focused work or study. I also find that eliminating digital distractions, such as turning off notifications on my phone or using productivity apps to block distracting websites, greatly helps me maintain concentration. 

  • Mindfulness: /ˈmaɪndfəlnəs/ (n.) - sự chú ý đến hiện tại, sự chánh niệm, sự thức tỉnh
  • Meditation: /ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn/ (n.) - thiền, sự thiền định, sự tĩnh tâm
  • Eliminating: /ɪˈlɪməneɪtɪŋ/ (v.) - loại bỏ, loại trừ, xóa bỏ
  • Productivity: /ˌproʊdʌkˈtɪvəti/ (n.) - năng suất, hiệu quả sản xuất, sản lượng

Is it important to concentrate?

 Absolutely, concentration is crucial in accomplishing tasks effectively and efficiently. It allows us to give our full attention to the task at hand, which leads to improved productivity and better results. Whether it's studying for exams, completing work assignments, or engaging in creative pursuits, concentration plays a vital role in achieving success. 

  • Accomplishing: /əˈkʌmplɪʃɪŋ/ (v.) - hoàn thành, đạt được, thành công trong
  • Assignments: /əˈsaɪnmənts/ (n.) - nhiệm vụ, bài tập, công việc được giao
  • Vital: /ˈvaɪtl/ (adj.) - quan trọng, thiết yếu, cần thiết

Do you prefer a quiet place or a place with some background noise?

 Personally, I prefer a quiet place when I need to concentrate. A serene and calm environment enables me to stay focused as well as set aside distractions. However, I do understand that some individuals find a moderate level of background noise, such as soft instrumental music or ambient sounds, helpful in maintaining their attention. It ultimately depends on personal preferences and the nature of the task being performed.

  • Serene: /səˈriːn/ (adj.) - thanh bình, yên tĩnh, trong lành
  • Individuals: /ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəlz/ (n.) - cá nhân, người cá nhân, mỗi người
  • Moderate: /ˈmɑːdərət/ (adj.) - vừa phải, trung bình, không quá đà
  • Ambient: /ˈæmbiənt/ (adj.) - xung quanh, ở môi trường xung quanh, không gian xung quanh
  • Preferences: /ˈprefrənsɪz/ (n.) - sở thích, sự ưa chuộng, sự lựa chọn


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Speaking Part 1

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