Bài writing task 2 ngày 12/05/2024


· 8 phút đọc

TASK II: Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  • Introduce the topic of museums' purposes.
  • State that the essay will explore both views regarding museums as places of entertainment and education.
  • My view: A balance of both entertainment and education.

Body Paragraph 1: Advocating for Entertainment in Museums

  • Argument 1: Museums should engage visitors by providing entertaining experiences to attract a wider and younger audience.

=> Supporting Detail: Discuss how interactive exhibits and multimedia displays can draw more visitors.

  • Argument 2: Entertainment can serve as a gateway to educational content, making learning more appealing.

=> Supporting Detail: Cite examples where engaging methods have improved understanding and retention of educational material.

Body Paragraph 2: Emphasizing Education in Museums

  • Argument 1: The primary role of museums should be to educate, preserve, and convey knowledge.

=> Supporting Detail: Explain the importance of museums in offering in-depth insights through artifacts and exhibits.

  • Argument 2: Educational integrity ensures that museums fulfill their societal role as repositories of culture and history.

=> Supporting Detail: Highlight how focused educational programs can foster deeper cultural appreciation and awareness.


Museums have long stood as custodians of culture and history, but modern debates question whether their role should lean more toward education or entertainment. From my perspective, the most effective museums are those that harmoniously blend entertainment with education. 

On the one hand, it is undeniable that entertainment in museums should be encouraged. To begin with, as museums are tourist attractions, their visitors are mainly families and younger people who might find traditional museum setups staid and boring. By integrating interactive displays and immersive technologies, museums like the Museum of Marine Life in Vietnam have successfully increased visitor engagement. Furthermore, entertainment acts as an effective medium for education; it introduces complex educational content in a manner that is easy to digest. For example, interactive historical games or scientific simulations can make learning both fun and memorable, ensuring that visitors leave with a lasting impression and a deeper understanding of the exhibits.

Conversely, the educational role of museums is undeniably critical. Indeed, museums are entrusted with the conservation of cultural heritage and the dissemination of knowledge. They offer invaluable learning experiences that are more authoritative and detailed than those found in many other settings. For instance, the detailed curation of artifacts in museums like the British Museum provides profound insights into human history and culture that cannot be replicated by purely entertaining experiences. Moreover, maintaining educational rigor ensures that museums continue to serve as important cultural and historical repositories, fostering a society that values and understands its heritage and the world around it.

In conclusion, while the debate between entertainment and education in museums is complex, the integration of both aspects can lead to more dynamic and impactful institutions. 

New words:

custodians of culture and history: người canh giữ văn hoá và lịch sử

harmoniously blend: kết hợp hài hoà

staid: buồn tẻ

interactive displays: màn hình tương tác

immersive technologies: công nghệ sống động

easy to digest: dễ hiểu

interactive historical games: trò chơi lịch sử tương tác

scientific simulations: mô phỏng khoa học

the dissemination of knowledge: sự bảo tồn tri thức

cultural and historical repositories: kho lưu trữ lịch sử và văn hoá