Bài writing task 1 ngày 30/03/2024


· 8 phút đọc

The three pictures show the position of a volcano, and a village before and after volcanic eruption.

The three illustrations depict the location of a volcano alongside a village before and after the eruption.

Overall, the illustrations show significant changes in the landscape due to the eruption. In the first illustration, there are two main areas: a volcano on the left-hand side and a village on the right. Following the eruption, the devastation caused by lava flow is evident, with many trees and houses near the volcano swept away.

The position of the volcano remains unchanged, but the lava spreads out towards the east, reaching the middle of the island. Additionally, a massive landslide triggers debris avalanches, resulting in a decrease in the volcano's height and the destruction of green spaces to the northeast and southeast.

As for the villages, they are depicted as circular areas with houses and trees. In the second illustration, more than half of the houses in the central area of one village are destroyed, leading to the deformation of the original circle. However, the other village remains unaffected by the eruption. 

New words:

alongside (adv) = next to (prep): bên cạnh

following (adj): next in time 

destruction (n): sự phá hủy,

devastation (greater than 'destruction') (n): sự hủy diệt

evident (a) = obvious (a): rõ ràng

trigger (v): make something happen suddenly

avalanche (n): trận đất lở, tuyết lở

result in Sth (v) = lead to Sth(v): tạo ra kết quả gì, dẫn đến cái gì

deformation (n): sự biến dạng

 remain + Adj/N (v): duy trì, giữ nguyên