IELTS Speaking Part 2,3 - Replacement


· 8 phút đọc

Part 2: 

Describe something you own that you want to replace

You should say:

  • What it is
  • Where it is
  • How you got it
  • And explain why you want to replace it

One item that I am eager to replace is my current laptop. It has been a reliable companion for several years, but it is now showing signs of wear and tear. My laptop typically resides on my desk in my house, where I spend a significant portion of my time working, studying, and engaging in leisure activities.

acquired this laptop about five years ago as a gift from my parents when I started university. It was state-of-the-art at the time and served me well throughout my academic journey.

Despite its past reliability, the laptop has become increasingly sluggish and can no longer handle the demands of modern software and applications. The battery life has deteriorated significantly, necessitating frequent charging , which disrupts my workflow. Additionally, the screen resolution and processing speed are not up to par with contemporary standards, making tasks like video editing and running complex programs cumbersome. Hence, I aspire to replace it with a more advanced model that can enhance my productivity and provide a more seamless user experience.

New words:

a reliable companion: một người bạn đáng tin cậy

showing signs of wear and tear: có dấu hiệu cũ kỹ, hao mòn

spend a significant portion of my time: dành phần lớn thời gian

✨acquired (v.): mua

state-of-the-art (adj.): hiện đại nhất

served me well: phục vụ tốt

increasingly sluggish: ngày càng chậm chạp

necessitating frequent charging: cần được sạc pin thường xuyên

disrupts my workflow: làm gián đoạn nhịp làm việc của tôi

screen resolution: độ phân giải màn hình

processing speed: tốc độ xử lý

up to par: ngang hàng với

contemporary standards: tiêu chuẩn hiện đại

✨cumbersome: cồng kềnh

 more seamless user experience: trải nghiệm người dùng mượt mà hơn

Part 3: 

1️⃣What are other things that you want to replace?

I would like to replace my old laptop with a more advanced model. The current one is outdated and slows down my productivity. Additionally, upgrading my smartphone to the latest version would be beneficial, as it offers better features and a more seamless user experience.

New words:

advanced model: phiên bản nâng cấp, cao cấp hơn

outdated (adj): cũ, lỗi thời

slows down my productivity: làm giảm năng suất

beneficial (adj): có lợi

a more seamless user experience: một trải nghiệm người dùng mượt mà hơn

2️⃣What kinds of things do young people like to replace?

Young people are particularly inclined towards replacing their electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. They also frequently revamp their wardrobes to align with the latest fashion trends. Moreover, there's a burgeoning interest in replacing traditional cars with cutting-edge, eco-friendly vehicles.

New words:

tobe particularly inclined (towards V-ing): thường có khuynh hướng 

electronic devices: thiết bị điện tử

revamp (v): cải tạo, nâng cấp

align (with) (v): liên kết với

burgeoning interest: sự quan tâm, thích thú ngày càng tăng

cutting-edge (adj): tiên tiến

eco-friendly vehicles: xe thân thiện với môi trường

3️⃣Do old people in Vietnam like to collect and store things?

Indeed, many elderly individuals in Vietnam exhibit a proclivity for collecting and storing items. They often gather memorabilia, heirlooms, and other artifacts of sentimental significance. This practice stems from a cultural ethos that values the preservation of memories and the transmission of family heritage to succeeding generations.

New words:

exhibit a proclivity for V-ing/N: có xu hướng ….

artifact (n): đồ cổ, hiện vật

memorabilia (n): kỷ vật

heirloom (n): đồ gia truyền

sentimental significance: ý nghĩa tình cảm đặc biệt

cultural ethos: nét văn hoá/đặc tính văn hoá

preservation of memories: sự giữ gìn ký ức

transmission of family heritage: sự truyền lại di sản gia đình

succeeding generations: thế hệ kế tiếp

4️⃣Who do you think will want new things, children or old people?

I am convinced that children are more predisposed to desiring new things. They are incessantly influenced by advertisements and social dynamics, which fuel their craving for the latest toys, gadgets, and apparel. Conversely, older individuals tend to exhibit contentment with their existing possessions, often valuing practicality and longevity over novelty.

New words:

to be predisposed to V-ing: có xu hướng (= tend to V)

to be incessantly influenced by N: liên tục chịu ảnh hưởng của

social dynamics: những mối quan hệ xã hội

fuel their craving: thúc đẩy mong muốn…

conversely: Ngược lại

exhibit contentment: thể hiện sự hài lòng

existing possessions: tài sản, đồ dùng hiện có

practicality (n): sự thực tế

longevity (n): tuổi thọ, lâu bền

novelty (n): sự mởi mẻ

5️⃣What's the difference between new things and old things?

New items typically incorporate the latest technological advancements, offer superior efficiency, and possess contemporary aesthetics. They generally deliver enhanced performance and innovative features. In contrast, old items often embody a sense of nostalgia and artisanal craftsmanship that new items may lack. They tend to be more durable and carry considerable sentimental value, making them cherished and often irreplaceable.

New words:

incorporate (v): kết hợp

technological advancements (n): tiến bộ công nghệ

superior efficiency: hiệu quả vượt trội 

contemporary aesthetics: gu thẩm mỹ/vẻ đẹp đương thời, hiện đại

enhanced performance: hiệu suất được nâng cao

innovative features: những tính năng sáng tạo, mới lạ

embody (v): là hiện thân của

nostalgia (n): sự hoài cỗ

artisanal craftsmanship: nét khéo léo của đồ thủ công

durable (n): bền 

cherish (v): yêu quý, nâng niu > cherished (adj) được yêu quý, nâng niu

irreplaceable (adj): không thể thay thế

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Speaking Part 2 và 3

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