Bộ đề dự đoán IELTS Speaking quý 3 ( T9 – 12/2023) – Full 3 Parts


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Bộ đề dự đoán Forecast IELTS Speaking quý 3/2023 Full 3 parts (tháng 9, 10, 11, 12) đã được WinWin tổng hợp lại kỹ càng. Các sĩ tử nhất định không thể bỏ qua bộ đề này trong quá trình luyện thi IELTS Speaking nói chung và tự học IELTS nói riêng.

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Forecast IELTS Speaking Part 1 quý 3/2023


Do you like robots? 

Have you seen a robot ? 

What kinds of robots can be found at home? 

Would you like to buy a robot?

What robot would you buy? 



Are you good at reading maps? 

Do you prefer paper maps or digital maps? 

How often do you use maps on your phone? 

Do you think paper maps will not be needed? 



Do you like geography? 

Did you learn geography? 

Are you good at reading maps? 

Would you like to visit a country because of its geography? 


Learning musical instruments 

Can you play any musical instrument? 

Is it difficult to learn? 

Have you ever learned how to play a musical instrument? 

What instrument would you like to learn? 

Is it important for children to learn how to play musical instruments?



Do you prefer casual clothes or formal clothes? 

Did you choose your own clothes when you were a child? 

Would you like to spend a lot of time choosing clothes? 

Have you worn traditional clothes? 


Tea and coffee 

Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee? 

What do you usually serve guests at home, tea or coffee? 

What was the last time you drank coffee? 

Do you make your own coffee or buy it from a coffee shop? 


Film - Going to the cinema 

Do you often go to the cinema? & with whom? 

What kinds of films do you like? 

Did you go to the cinema when you were a child? 

Is watching films at home the same as watching films at the cinema? 



What kinds of gifts do you often give others? 

What was the best gift you have received? 

When do Vietnamese people give gifts? 

Do you prefer receiving gifts or giving gifts? 


Public Transport 

How do you go to work/ school?

Do you often use public transport? 

What kinds of public transport do you use? 

What was the last time you used public transport? 

Do you think you’ll use public transport more in the future? 



Do you like eating fish? 

Is fishing popular in Vietnam? 

Where can you see a lot of fish? 

Have you ever watched movies about fish? 



Do you like running? / How often do you go running? 

Where do you often go running? 

Do you think running is a good way to exercise? 

Have you done a marathon? 


The countryside 

Have you ever lived in the countryside? 

Do you like the countryside? 

Do you prefer to live in the countryside or the city? 

Do Vietnamese people prefer living in the countryside or the city? 



Do you often chat with your friends? 

What do you often chat about? 

Do you prefer to chat face to face or use chatting apps? 

Do you prefer chatting with one friend or a group of friends? 



Do you often help others? 

Have you ever helped old people? 

Did your parents teach you to help others? 

Is it important to teach children to help others?


Forecast IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 quý 3/2023

Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions

  • Who & How you knew him/her
  • What ideas / opinions he/she has
  • Why they're interesting

Part 3 

In Vietnam, who often has great ideas/ opinions?

Do you think children and adults often have the same opinion about things?

When do you think children start to have their own opinions?

Who often influences children’s opinions?

Do you think parents should change their children’s opinions?

Is it important for children to have their own opinions?

Should leaders listen to their subordinates’ opinions?

Should the government listen to their citizens’ opinions?



Describe a beautiful city

  • What city
  • Where it is
  • What it is famous for
  • Why you like it

Part 3 

What are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?

Who prefer to live in the city?

What are some problems of living in the city?

How can these problems be solved?

What makes a city attractive to tourists?

What makes a city livable?

Do you think more people will live in cities in the future?

What will cities look like in the future?


Describe foreigner who can speak your language very well

  • Who & how you knew him/her
  • Which country she/he comes from
  • Why you think she/he speaks your language well

Part 3

Do you think children can learn a new language faster than adults?

What are the differences in the way children and adults learn new languages?

Is it important for children to learn another language at school?

When should children start learning language?

What are some difficulties in learning another language?

Which skill is most difficult in learning a language?

What language teachers should do to help their students?


Describe an exciting activity you experienced.

  • What activity & when
  • What you did
  • Why it was exciting

Part 3

What makes an exciting activity?

What kinds of activities do young people often do?

Is it important to try new activities?

Are group activities more exciting?


Describe a successful family business.

  • What business
  • How you knew it
  • What they do
  • Why it’s successful

Part 3 

Is family business common in Vietnam? What kinds of business do they do?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for a family business?

What are the disadvantages of working for a family business?

Do Vietnamese people like working for a family business?

Why do people want to work for big companies?

What makes a business successful?

Do you think advertising is important to businesses?

Do you think advertising should be honest?

How can companies recruit the right employees?


Describe a problem you had when using computers.

  • When
  • What problem
  • How you dealt with it
  • How you felt

Part 3

Who often have problems when using computers?

Why do people have problems when using technological products for the first


Why do technological companies constantly launch new products or upgrade

their products?

What do people use computers for (at home & at work)?

What are the functions of computers at school?

Will computers replace teachers?

Is it good to use computers at home?

Should parents control their children’s use of computers at home?



Describe an interesting part of your country.

  • Where
  • What it looks like
  • What do people do there
  • Why it’s interesting

Part 3

What makes a place interesting?

Is it good if a country has several cultures?

What makes a place worth living?

Where do people in Vietnam prefer to live?

What are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?

Why do people want to live in the city though it’s noisy and crowded?

What can the government do to promote tourism?



Describe a useful advertisement.

  • What advertisement
  • When you saw it
  • What it is about
  • Why it is useful

Part 3

Do you think advertisements are useful?

What kinds of advertisements are useful?

Why do companies still use advertisements if they are useless?

Do you think people are influenced by advertisements when they make buying


What do you think about advertisements targeted at children?


Describe a time you did something difficult.

  • When
  • What you did
  • Why it was difficult
  • How you felt

Part 3

How do people feel when they do difficult things and succeed?

What kinds of challenges do children have?

Should parents encourage their children to take challenges?

What are some global challenges? Who should address them?


Describe a sports person you admire.

  • Who
  • How you knew him/her
  • What sport he/she plays
  • Why you admire him/her

Part 3

What kinds of sports are popular in Vietnam?

Are there many sports celebrities in Vietnam? & in what fields? why?

What are some qualities of great sports people?

Is it easy to discover a child’s talents?

What can people do to become sports superstars?

Should the government invest in professional sports?



Describe a bad service you received.

  • What service & when
  • Why it was bad
  • What you did about it and how you felt

Part 3 

Is customer service important?

What makes good customer service?

What qualities should service staff have?

Do you think customer service in VN is now better than it used to be?

What kinds of businesses have good service in VN?

How can businesses in VN improve their customer service?



Describe a change you made that had a positive result.

  • What change
  • When did you started to change
  • What was the result
  • How you felt

Part 3 

What kind of change do people often experience?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of change? (job, school, home...)

What if people change their jobs frequently?

Do you think change is good or bad?

Why do some people not accept change?

Is it easier for young people or old people to adapt to change?



Describe a time you waited long for a nice thing to happen.

  • When
  • What you waited for
  • Why it was special
  • How you felt about waiting for it

Part 3

When do people usually have to wait?

What do people often do when waiting?

What are the impacts of waiting on society?

What do people often feel while waiting?

Are old people more patient than young people when waiting? why?

Do you think people are now more patient than they were in the past?



Describe a tall building in your city.

  • what building
  • Its location
  • What's its function?
  • Why you like/ dislike it

Part 3 

Are historical buildings important? Why?

Should the government spend money on renovating old buildings or constructing

new ones?

Why are there a lot of tall buildings in cities?

What are the advantages of living in a tall building?

What are the disadvantages of living in a tall building?

Do Vietnamese people like to live in tall buildings or low-rise buildings?

Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future? Why?



Describe an important rule you have at school/at work.

  • What rule
  • Who should obey it
  • What happens if people break the rule
  • Why it’s important

Part 3

What kinds of rules children have to obey at home?

What kinds of rules children have to obey at school?

What kinds of rules at home can children be forgiven for breaking?

What kinds of rules the public should follow? On public transport for instance?

What should parents do to make their children respect the laws?



Describe your favorite drawing or painting.

  • What painting
  • Who painted/ drew it
  • How you knew it/ where you first saw it
  • Why you like it

Part 3

What makes a good painting?

Do you think the aesthetic standards of people coming from different countries

are the same?

Do you think everything in life should be designed to look good?

Why do some people need an artistic atmosphere at home?

Do you think children should learn art such as drawing or painting?

What do children often draw? What are the meanings of their drawings?

What kinds of jobs require artistic skills?



Describe a person who loves cooking.

  • Who
  • How you knew
  • What he/she often cooks
  • Why he/she likes cooking

Part 3

Should children learn how to cook at school?

Is it important to be able to cook?

How has cooking changed?

What are some qualities of a good chef/ cook?

Do Vietnamese people prefer cooking or eating out?



Describe a time you gave somebody advice.

  • When & to whom
  • What advice you gave
  • Why you gave such advice

Part 3 

What kinds of jobs involve giving advice?

Is it easy for professionals to give advice?

What should people do before giving advice?

What are some qualities of a good advisor?

What advice do parents often give their children?

Do children often take their parents’ advice?

In what areas do you think parents should not give their children advice?

How can people give advice to young people and old people?



Describe a field of science or technology you’d like to know more.

  • What field & how you knew it
  • What you know about it
  • Why you’d like to learn more about it

Part 3

Why do some children dislike studying science subjects at school?

Is it important to study science at school?

Should people continue to study science after graduation?

What qualities should scientists have?

How can people learn scientific news?

Should scientists do research together?

Should scientists explain the research process to the public?

Should the government support scientists?

Who should carry out scientific research? The government or private companies?



Describe an activity you think is tiring (study, running, doing chores).

  • What activity
  • When you do it
  • Is it difficult to do
  • Why it’s tiring

Part 3

When do people feel tired?

Why does studying make children tired?

Is it bad to feel tired? 

How is being tired due to exercise different from being tired due to study?

Do you think people feel tired more often now than they did in the past? why

What can people do to avoid being tired?



Describe a successful person you’ve worked or studied with.

  • Who
  • When you studied/ worked with him/her
  • Why he/she is/ was successful
  • How you felt about him/her

Part 3 

What contributes to success?

Why do some people work hard but not succeed?

Do you think people need to sacrifice their personal life to succeed?

Is it easy for students to succeed at school?

Is it necessary for students to succeed at school?

What should parents do to help their children succeed?

Is it possible for businesses to succeed without damaging the environment?



Describe a time you visited a park/ garden. 

  • What park, where
  • With whom & when you visited it
  • What you saw
  • How you felt

Part 3

Do people in your city often go to the park?

What do young people and old people do in the park?

What are the benefits of going to the park?

Do people in your country like growing flowers and vegetables?

What are the benefits of gardening for old people?



Describe an interesting person you’d like to meet.

  • Who
  • How you knew him/her
  • What he/she does
  • Why you’d like to meet him/her

Part 3 

Where can people meet new people?

What are the differences between meeting new people online and in person (face to face)?

What questions shouldn’t people ask someone they meet for the first time?

What should people talk about when meeting new people?

What do people often judge new people (through their clothes...)?

Do you think people in the same family have the same personality?

What influences people’s personality?



Decribe a photo you took that reminds you of happy memories. 

  • What photo
  • When and where you took it
  • How often you see it
  • Why it reminds you of happy memories

Part 3 

Why do people like taking photos?

Do you think people take too many photos?

Do you think people now take photos more often than in the past?

What are the differences between taking photos by a mobile phone and by a camera?

What do people often do with the photos they take?

Why do people post photos on social media?

Do you think professional photographers are necessary?


Describe a party you attended and enjoyed

  • What party, with whom & when
  • What was the purpose of the party
  • Why you enjoyed the party
  • How you felt

Part 3 

What kinds of people like to go to parties?

Why do some people dislike partying?

Where do people usually hold parties?

When do Vietnamese people hold a party?

What are the differences between partying at home and partying outside?

Why do companies hold parties?


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